
Irisa Kwok


Irisa Kwok is currently involved with

The Marlowe Graduating Actors Showcase 2025 – Cast

14:30, Wed 5th March 2025 at ADC Theatre

The Marlowe Showcase is an opportunity for 14 of Cambridge's graduating actors to create a dynamic piece for an audience of industry professionals, including agencies seeking new clients to represent, and casting directors for upcoming projects.
There will be a preview in Cambridge leading up to a final closed showcase in London. The Cambridge show will take place at the ADC Theatre on the 5th of March and the London show will take place on Thursday the 13th of March.
This year, the Showcase will operate on an alternating format of monologues and longer duologues.
Along with the experience and exposure of creating the showcase under a professional director, graduates will be equipped with headshots to help them as they continue to seek careers in the industry.
The showcase is open to all who are entering their final year at Cambridge, regardless of past experience and engagement with the theatre scene.


Irisa Kwok is preparing for

  • Short Cuts – Group 6 'Willow'

    19:00, Thu 13th March 2025 at Bowett Room

    Short Cuts is a new film initiative organised by BREAD Theatre and Film, with the aim of making the film scene in Cambridge more accessible.
    Spend Lent term shooting and editing a film of no more than…


Irisa Kwok has been involved with