

    Nineteen Eighty-Four
    By adapted from the novel by George Orwell

    20:00, Tue 16th November 2004 at Homerton Auditorium
    20:00, Thu 18th November 2004 at Homerton Auditorium
    20:00, Sat 20th November 2004 at Homerton Auditorium
    Michaelmas Week 6

    "Freedom is the freedom to say that two plus two make four. If that is granted, all else follows."

    Government agencies and private companies are authorized to violate the
    privacy of people everywhere. Powerful technical systems are being created
    to monitor our lives, collecting, storing and processing enormous amounts
    of personal data. Orwell’s description of a totalitarian society where the
    Government has complete control, citizens are under 24hour surveillance and
    pumped with endless propaganda seems not too far from our own society where
    we exist in databases, learn from screens and are followed by CCTV. How can
    we be truly free if we are always being watched? How can we trust the truth
    when it comes to us through controlled mediums? This production of Orwell’s
    infamous dystopian worldview will question the authority of our society
    through a physical, contemporary, experimental and implicative theatrical
    form. Utilising the immense space of Homerton Auditorium together with
    extensive film work, this production will provide a total theatre experience probing questions of society, the individual, freedom and responsibility.

    Nineteen Eighty-Four plays on November 16th, 18th & 20th, in repertoire with [SHOW:364] on November 15th, 17th & 19th.


    Charrington/Old Prole
    Female Prole/Barman/Physical Jerker

    Production Team

    Director ,
    Technical Assistance –