23:00, Tue 17th October 2006 at ADC Theatre
Michaelmas Week 2
'Communities without fathers are vicious places to live and people who have money choose not to live there.' Charles Murray, The Sunday Times 2000.
'We sat and cuddled and cried. I sat rocking her like when she was a little baby. I sat rocking her for ages' Natalie, 'A State Affair'.
In 2000, Robin Soans and director Max Stafford-Clarke travelled to the Bradford Estate where groundbreaking playwright Andrea Dunbar had died tragically a decade before as a result of years of wife-beating.
'A State Affair' is the record of what they found...
Exploring abuse and misery driven by massively low expectations, 'A State Affair' is an example of the 'Verbatim' Theatre which Soans demonstrated to such effect in his recent play 'Talking to Terrorists'.
Its words are taken from real conversations, giving for one night only, honest and raw emotion, coupled with a rarely seen truth through theatre.