
    The Occasional Students
    By James Garner and Thom Jenkins

    21:00, Tue 16th February 2010 at Christ's New Court Theatre
    21:00, Fri 19th – Sat 20th February 2010 at Christ's New Court Theatre
    Lent Week 5

    W. Somerset Maugham once wrote that, "There are three rules for writing a novel. Unfortunately, no one knows what they are." Writing a sketch comedy show is a lot like writing a novel except it's quicker, easier, more reliant on jokes, and the end result is performed on a stage rather than being published in a book. James Garner and Thom Jenkins have read Maugham's entire canon, even the lurid and unpublished personal correspondence locked in his granddaughter's library (mahogany desk, third draw on the right; force the lock). This can only bode well for 'The Occasional Students', Cambridge's newest comedy sketch show.


    Production Team