
    Shurl Productions presents...

    An Audience With Shurl
    By Sue Schilperoort

    19:00, Mon 22nd – Sat 27th August 2011 at Edinburgh Fringe
    Summer Vacation

    An Audience With Shurl: Follow Shurl's story from cradle to Edinburgh Festival Fringe in story and song, accompanied by the terrific Zugswang Jazz Duo. An unforgettable tragic character takes you back to her roots, with music in her heart, poetry in her soul, and fire in her celtic belly. Disaster strikes repeatedly, but our heroine is saved by the great Dame Shirley Bassey, time after unfortunate time. (Or is she?) A show to make you laugh, cry and ask just why you weren't lucky enough to born Welsh. One woman, one life, one inimitable Shurl! Great entertainment.


    Production Team