16:00, Sat 1st December 2012 at Fitzpatrick Hall
Michaelmas Week 8
Join us at 4pm on Saturday, the 1st of December, in the Fitzpatrick Theatre, Queens' College. Suggested donation £5/£4 (concessions), all proceeds to charity!
ALADDIN - THE WOK AND ROLL PANTO. It's Chinese New Year, and in Old Tsing Tai the party's just getting started! But when Aladdin (a penniless peasant) falls in love with the Princess (whose father wants to marry her off to a powerful man with a powerful secret), it looks as though some magic powers might be needed to sort things out. With a full complement of "He's behind you"s, cross-dressing, and a dragon!
MAD SCIENCE. London, 1897. A week before Christmas... and the members of the Mad Science Club are far too busy competing for the first prize in the Grand Symposium to let the Christmas Spirit anywhere near their boiling flasks! Rivalry and back-biting reach new heights (and lows) in this group of famous mad scientists when Frankenstein's old lab project decides to team up with the technologically illiterate (but very rich) Count Dracula and the disgraced (formerly invisible) Dr Griffin to see if he can topple his mentor's reign at the top in this oddball Christmas comedy about mistletoe, manchildren and morgues.