
    Cambridge Independent Filmmakers' Association presents...

    The Wait
    By Malcolm Roy Greenhill

    00:00, Mon 20th February – Tue 20th March 2012 at Film Locations
    Lent Week 5 to Week 9

    Short Film Shooting In Cambridge - The Wait:

    Cambridge Director Malcolm Roy Greenhill and Cambridge Independent Filmmakers' Association are producing a short film to be shot in February/March 2012.

    The roles are expenses only and you will be fed on working days. We expect successful candidates to attend 2 rehearsal days and one shoot day in February/March.

    When the film is completed you will be given a copy on DVD for your showreel and if the film meets a high enough standard it will be submitted to international film festivals.

    Preliminary auditions will be held at the Cambridge Graduate Union:

    Saturday Jan 21st - 12pm

    17 Mill Lane Cambridge CB2 1RX

    (Opposite Ede and Ravenscroft)

    Any questions or more information please contact: 07739310045

    The Wait - Running Time approx 5mins

    BENNY and RONNIE have just pulled off a big robbery. However, in the process they were seen by a witness. In the heat of the moment BENNY panicked and took the witness hostage. Our witness now wakes up, gagged and bound, listening to the pair argue over his fate...

    BENNY (male 25-35) The weaker of the pair, BENNY had a rough upbringing. Runtish and from a broken home, BENNY has always found himself drifting to the wrong side of the law. A coward, with a broken moral compass, BENNY lives like a hyena - Fuelled by greed and a desperate need to prove himself. BENNY is often conflicted and unsure of himself, BENNY will typically succumb to peer pressure from RONNIE. Although BENNY doesn't like to hurt anybody, he will if pressed, to prove himself or to save his own skin.

    RONNIE (male 25-35) The strength and the brains. RONNIE grew up in a similar environment to BENNY which is the foundation of their friendship. However, RONNIE experienced a much darker childhood scattered with violent episodes. His Troubled home life was vented at school where RONNIE was considered a difficult and violent child. Despite this, RONNIE is smart, confident, calm and collected even under pressure. He has no respect for society or other people which led him to a life of crime. At present, RONNIE prefers not to harm people to avoid trouble. However, after spending some time in prison, RONNIE will do anything to prevent going back. RONNIE tries to dominate people conversationally, and has a very intimidating aura - yet RONNIE can be quite a comic character. He dreams of stealing as much as he can from his current world then leaving it all behind to start a new life.

    WITNESS (male 20-30) The unlucky average joe. Our witness is an average, middle class guy who was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Likely to have been slightly above average at school and been moderately popular. A non-confrontational man with a modest income, he enjoys the simple pleasures in life. The kind of guy that's never been in a fight, he will be inconsistent under pressure as he has no idea what to do. Presently he is switching between terror and anger as he feels totally helpless in his situation. His behaviour is the human equivalent of a dog trapped in a box.

    ***BENNY and RONNIE are only ever heard, not seen. We see the witness' reaction to their conversation throughout the film. The witness is seen but not really heard.


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    Production Team