
    Beauty No. 3
    By Bethan Kitchen

    19:00, Wed 29th October 2014 at Northern Stage
    Michaelmas Week 3

    A painter and his model. In her he sees a Goddess; a Goddess for whom he will, and has sacrificed all. In his studio, the two indulge in a fiery love affair in which the painter puts his family, body, and soul on the line. But what if it’s her who must make the ultimate sacrifice? What will she do when she realises that her only source of power is her physical beauty? This is a love affair moving quickly back and forth between love and dangerously complex power structures. And with this play we seek to employ ancient ideas of the goddess in order to examine the place of beauty in female power today.

    This one off performance will show a ten minute extract of this new play in its first stages of development. It is part of a showcase called 'First in Three' - a very prestigious start to careers in theatre, at one of the leading new writing theatres in the UK



    Production Team
