
    Cambridge PEN presents...

    Day of the Imprisoned Writer

    20:00, Sun 16th November 2014 at The Maypole
    Michaelmas Week 6

    To mark Day of the Imprisoned Writer, Cambridge PEN is hosting a poetry reading and open mic night, and are looking for actors/readers to perform a selection of works by writers who face or have faced imprisonment or violence. The evening will be informal, combining the readings with an open mic for poets and writers to display their own work, alongside poems, prose, and interviews selected by Cambridge PEN from writers who are unable to give a voice to their own writing. We will feature some of the bravest and most urgent writing from around the world, including works by Enoh Meyomesse, Payam Feili, Zhu Yufu and others, alongside well-known names like Liu Xiabao and an interview with Pussy Riot. There will also be opportunities to take action for the writers we are focusing on, signing letters of support and petitions on their behalf.

    In between readings, there will be five minute breaks to allow people to buy drinks and have a chat - perhaps respond to what they've been hearing.


    Production Team