19:00, Tue 3rd – Sat 7th March 2015 at Pembroke New Cellars
Lent Week 7
"We have made continual sacrifices, involving unheard of suffering, I assure you; and we could endure them only by living as we are living now. Unfortunately, it must look very strange to people, seem even scandalous, arouse no end of gossip!"
There's a newcomer in town, and the gossips are crying for truth. But is there such a thing? And if there were, would you really want to know? This new translation by David Tremain combines Pirandello's much-loved tragi-comic farce (rarely performed outside of Italy), 'It Is So If You Think So', with the harrowing sketch 'The Man With a Flower in His Mouth'.
"Because, you understand, if I were to only spend an idle minute inside by myself… why, I could beat the life out of someone, someone I didn’t know, take up a revolver and murder some poor unfortunate stranger, like yourself perhaps, someone who had missed his train"