
    The Unbearable Shiteness of Being
    By Milo Edwards

    23:00, Tue 9th June 2015 at ADC Theatre
    Easter Week 7

    Is being shite? Do you find it unbearable?

    Once in every generation a man who has been at Cambridge for slightly too long performs an hour of stand-up about what is happening to his life.

    This is that hour. Milo Edwards is that man.

    About Milo Edwards:
    In 22 years of existence Milo has achieved a great many things, including but not limited to his 50m Breaststroke badge, and after four years at Cambridge strewn with Footlights performances, extremely disappointed lovers of various species, a sacking from a well-known publication and a failed bid to become CUSU president - it's time to take stock and answer the big questions, e.g.

    • Who is he really?
    • Why doesn't he have a graduate job?
    • What is in Sunny Delight?
      and some more.

    Come for the comedy, stay for the seating.

    Previous praise for Milo Edwards:
    “Fantastic… had me in hysterics” – TCS
    “A total crowd-pleaser” – The Tab
    “Well-judged and intelligent” – Varsity
    'Effortlessly funny' - The Tab
    'Needlessly rude and uncooperative' - Patrick Brooks, former Editor-in-Chief, The Tab Cambridge



    Production Team

    Assistant Producer
    Stage Manager