19:45, Tue 17th – Sat 21st February 2015 at ADC Theatre
Lent Week 5
"To what a height of liberty in damnation hath the devil trained our age!"
- Florio’s speakeasy is doing a roaring trade, abetted by the intoxicating medicines of ‘doctor’ Richardetto. Glamour is everything, and sincerity is thin on the ground. The spotlight is on Annabella. As she sings from the stage, her various suitors spar and dance attendance to win her heart, her bed, and her mother’s approval. But her desires lie a little too close to home.
Soranzo seduces his way up the social ladder. The jilted Hippolita and Vasques plot murder and marriage. Cuckolded Richardetto seeks bloody revenge.
In a world of liquor, jazz and sexual excess, how will the world look upon two lovers breaking down the last taboo?