

    Acting The Goat: A 'Sketchumentary'
    By Emma Plowright and Guy Lewy

    21:00, Sun 24th – Tue 26th April 2016 at Palmerston Room, St John's College
    Easter Week 0

    Acting The Goat: A 'Sketchumentary' by Emma Plowright and Guy Lewy.

    Join the anthropomorphic adventure as we stumble through the murky and obnoxous depths of the animal kingdom with your endlessly profound (but slightly senile) host for the evening, Tobias Fiddlepint-Smythe!

    A comedy sketch show about what animals really get up to when BBC cameras aren't rolling. Experience the politically charged world of fish misrepresentation, get some kitchen tips from Fabio the scumbag raccoon and Quintin the bourgeois hummingbird, and find out once and for all what on earth your cat thinks he's doing.


    Tobias Fiddlepint-Smythe

    Production Team

    Publicity Designer