20:00, Sun 20th November 2016 at Judith E. Wilson Drama Studio
21:30, Wed 23rd – Sat 26th November 2016 at Judith E. Wilson Drama Studio
14:30, Sat 26th November 2016 at Judith E. Wilson Drama Studio
Michaelmas Week 7
What happens when you are hopelessly, dangerously drawn to another person? What does it take to stand by them? What does it take to leave them? How do you reconcile being with someone who is so different from what you claim to love about them?
Antony & Cleopatra, a story about the fragility of love and human relationships. Adapted for two actors.
Duomuži's Antony & Cleopatra premiered August 2016 at The Brick in Brooklyn, New York and is currently touring internationally. We are company of 3 located separately and variously in New York: Colleen Sullivan (Director) North Carolina: Luke Robbins (Actor), England/Czech Republic: Ronald Prokeš (Actor/Musician). After almost a year of development, writing original music and rehearsal (much of which happened through Skype) our 2-man, 7 character, 90 minute, stripped-down production of one of Shakespeare's most epic tragedies has become an experience of intimacy and truth, love and commitment in all of its complicated and devastating messiness.