
    Offending the Audience
    By Peter Handke

    21:30, Tue 18th – Sat 22nd October 2016 at Corpus Playroom
    Michaelmas Week 2

    ~ cn ~
    this is not a play.

    You expected something.
    You expected something else perhaps.
    You expected objects.
    You expected no objects.
    You expected an atmosphere.
    You expected a different world.
    You expected no different world.
    In any case, you expected something.
    It may even be the case that you expected what you are hearing now.
    But even in that case you experienced something different.

    You chuckle-heads, you small-timers, you nervous nellies, you fuddy-duddies, you windbags, you sitting ducks, you milksops.

    Come be offended!


    Production Team

    Publicity designer
    Camera operator
    Publicity editor –