
    The Wayfarer
    By Valery Bryusov

    21:00, Wed 21st – Sat 24th June 2017 Venue to be confirmed
    Easter May Week

    A young woman lives in a woodland cabin with her absent father but, in the young woman's mind, the cabin becomes a fantastical junkyard where her imagination is left to its own devices. 'The Wayfarer' by Valery Bryusov is a Russian Symbolist play about the impregnable nature of human loneliness and solitude.

    Does the Wayfarer exist or is he a figment of Julia's imagination?

    Julia, the daughter of a forester, hears knocking at the door of the house on a wet and stormy night. Although she won't initially let him in, she eventually allows in the Wayfarer, for whom she creates an imaginary life, and uses it to allow herself to escape the issues of her own life.

    "Robert, you know I am very unhappy!
    I've spent all my life here in the forest."

    Penetrating deeper into this junkyard of her fantasies, Julia suggests to an imaginary audience that what is considered imaginary is actually the truest reality, while acknowledged reality is, in actual fact, frightening and delirious.


    Production Team
