18:00, Thu 20th – Sat 22nd June 2019 at Christ's Fellows Garden
Easter May Week
“Some Cupid kills with arrows, some with traps.”
A lost generation return from the war to the warmth and glamour of Messina; with jazz in the air and the cocktails free-flowing, the stage is set for a fabulous romance. But Benedick and Beatrice are at each other’s throats, a bitter history blinding them to how perfect they are for each other. Claudio and Hero are in love, but lies and jealousy are forcing them apart. As Don Pedro works to mastermind his friends’ love lives, his bastard brother Don John works to undermine them, resulting in a hilarious mess of misunderstandings.
Much Ado About Nothing is a play of elaborate schemes, scandalous gossip, and love lost and found, all set in the glamorous post-war chaos of the 1920s. Relaxing in the Christ’s beautiful Fellow’s Garden, under the glittering lights of Milton’s mulberry tree, prepare to enjoy a wild night of May Week entertainment.