
Cambridge University Gilbert and Sullivan SocietyCUGSS

The Cambridge University Gilbert and Sullivan Society typically put on three or four shows a year, including a freshers' show open to all in Michaelmas, a large scale show in Lent (at West Road Concert Hall for the foreseeable future), and a show at the 700-seat Minack Theatre on the cliffs of Cornwall in September.

Although members are welcome to participate in any single project, CUGSS is well known for its sociability, and has a strong events calendar in addition to its productions, which provides fabulous opportunities to meet lots of lovely people! To whet your appetite, these include singthroughs of shows (plus free gourmet food and drink!), movie nights, pub crawls and subsidized trips to the theatre for members. A festive Christmas party, glamorous Annual Dinner and gorgeous garden party complete the irresistible parcel!

We have also put on many shows that were not written by Gilbert or Sullivan, and welcome funding applications for other shows that would be of interest to our members.

For more information on the society, see our website

Contact Cambridge University Gilbert and Sullivan Society

Get involved with Cambridge University Gilbert and Sullivan Society shows:

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You can also see all events that have been put on by this society.


  • Sun 9 Feb
  • Mon 10 Feb
  • Tue 11 Feb
  • Wed 12 Feb
  • Thu 13 Feb
  • Fri 14 Feb
  • Sat 15 Feb

Past shows

See all the shows this society has been previously involved in at the society history page.