- March 2005
Affabulazione is a modern tragedy of politics, patriarchy and psychoanalysis that charts the descent into madness of one man, known only as the Father and the events leading up to his murder of his son. Through the prism of this one father-son relationship, the play examines the whole fabric of Western culture. Our production will make use of film to explore the Father's state of mind, with thoughts and dream sequences projected behind him and all of the characters as they speak.
- February 2005
CADS is proud to present its annual freshers' show after last year's storming success, 'Comic Potential'.
The year is 1797: the inhabitants of the sleepy East Anglian village of Dangling Wallop have been subject for months now to the attacks of a ferocious, man-eating beast; fear and rumour are rife amongst the townsfolk. The local landowner, Lord Oswald, a judge with an extremely large penal authority, is deeply concerned: the beast's ravages are losing him money, customarily earned from the regional industry of aubergine farming. Meanwhile, his precocious daughter Eugenia is about to gain a brand new tutor, an old friend of her father's, a French poet and libertine by the name of Zafira...
- February 2005
Cambridge's first ever burlesque extravaganza, THE CARDINAL CLUB, presents
a unique opportunity for you to be part of an exciting project while
supporting a new arts venture.
The Cardinal Club will be Cambridge’s most desired Valentine desination .
Drawing on the influences of the cabaret bars of 1930s Berlin, speakeasies
of the prohibition era and freakshows of Victorian England, it will create
a melting pot of weird and wonderful acts to delight, shock, tease and
shamelessly entertain.
The show will mix from a palette of magicians, comedians, singers, novelty
acts and classic vaudeville dancers. We will guide the audience through the
evening's cavalcade of entertainers, stitching together a non-stop show
that glides from the sensational to the bizarre.
- November 2004
A classic comedy by Neil Simon ("The Odd Couple") about a long-since-broken-up comic duo who are persuaded to reunite for a television special, despite mutual dislike.
Really great, modest cast.
- November 2004
"Don't leave your kids alone to play with fire."
January 16th 1969. A Czech student named Jan Palach sets fire to himself in Wenceslas Square, in protest against the Russian invasion. On January 17th 1969, he was headline news - but the evening edition of any decent newspaper carries a new headline. Was his sacrifice doomed to failure? How can any of us make a difference? Can we express ourselves better through advertising slogans than we can through Shakespeare? Palach is a patchwork of texts, sound and images that dissects the nature of theatre, communication and protest. Performed simultaneously on four mini-stages, you are invited to choose what to watch - and what to think.
Picture c/o: http://archiv.radio.cz/palach99/images/okraj2.jpg
- June 2004
CADS is proud to bring you Aristophanes' hilarious pro/anti-feminist satire "Women In Power". Gender confusion, cross-dressing, and a world where women are on top... When you allow women to run a state anything could happen.
- February 2004
CADS is proud to present its annual freshers' show. This year, it's a romantic comedy for Valentine's weekend... but it's a romance with a difference. Adam Trainsmith is not expecting to fall in love when he visits the set of burnt-out director Chandler Tate's rubbish medical soap 'Hospital Hearts', but fall in love he does. With a robot called Jacie...
- February 2004
The first thing people remember about 'The Crucible' is that it's about witches. The second thing is that it's a metaphor for McCarthyism in 1950s America. The third thing is that it's where they have the snooker championships. The last remembrance aside, the witch/McCarthyist aspect was what drove Miller to write in the first place. However, some years after its completion, he considered its purpose to have changed: 'It's about Proctor's guilt', he said.
- November 2003
Ben Jonson's classic black comedy is given new life in this exciting and elaborate production.
- June 2003