
Intruder / Home NEEDS YOU!

Intruder / Home
21:30, Wed 27th – Sat 30th November 2024 at Corpus Playroom
Michaelmas Week 7
Content warning (may contain spoilers) Click to expandClick to close
Death, pregnancy, self-harm mentioned

Producer  – Deadline: July 10th Publicity Manager  – Deadline: July 10th Assistant Director  – Deadline: September 1st Composer  / Music Director  – Deadline: September 1st Costume Designer  – Deadline: October 1st Welfare Officer – Deadline: October 1st Please send your applications, or any questions you might have, to In addition, your name, degree/year/college, and pronouns would be good as well.

    The producer  will be responsible for: Room bookings, rehearsal scheduling, budget management. They will also oversee the rest of the Prod Team. This is in many ways the most important role, so if you’re really passionate about making theatre, this one’s for you.

    • Why would you like to be involved in Intruder / Home?
    • What makes you a good ‘producer ’? Do you have any experience producing plays here in Cambridge?
    • The most important thing a producer  can be is organised. What is your secret for staying on top of things when there are lots of balls in the air?

    The publicity manager  will take the lead in creating and implementing a marketing strategy for the show. They will work closely with the director , AD, and producer  to develop a creative way to publicise the show.

    • Why would you like to be involved in Intruder / Home?
    • Do you have any experience doing publicity for plays here in Cambridge? What makes you feel like you would enjoy this or be a good fit?
    • Based on the overall feel of the shows, do you have any preliminary ideas for how we might market it? Tell me about one idea you have.

    The AD will help me with casting (late week 1, early week 2 of term) & the rehearsal process (week 2-6 of term). They will provide a second pair of eyes and ears, and help out with creative decisions. This is a good role for anyone who wants to direct at Cambridge but hasn’t had a lot of experience yet! In particular, it would be very useful to have someone who has a bit of experience with disability issues, since they are raised in the play “Intruder” and I very much want someone on board who can navigate that for our production.

    • Why would you like to be involved in Intruder / Home?
    • What makes you feel like you would enjoy AD-ing or be a good fit for the role?
    • What is one creative decision made by a play you’ve either been involved with or seen that has stuck with you? Why?

    An incomplete list of composers  who wrote music for Maeterlinck plays or set his poems includes practically a who’s who of the early 20th century. Debussy, Faure, Schoenberg, Sibelius, Honegger, Dukas, Vaughan-Williams, Zemlinsky, Rachmaninoff, Humperdinck, Boulanger. Something about these gripping tragedies really brings out the best in musicians. I very badly want some live, original, student-written music for these plays.

    • Why would you like to be involved in Intruder / Home?
    • Please send me a sample (or two. Or more! I’ll listen) of music you’ve written. If you have anything that particularly fits the theme of tragic modernism, I’d love to hear that.
    • Are you also willing to take charge of ‘music direction’, ie, assembling and rehearsing musicians for this show? Do you have experience with this?
    • Bonus Q: Are there any instrument groups you’d be particularly interested in writing for? (we would probably only be able to fit a few people in the Corpus stage, but the instruments themselves are up to your discretion).

    If you have a passion for interesting costume design I would absolutely love to have you on board. Commitments should be very light until tech week, aside from taking measurements and looking at what’s available at Corpus/the ADC. This is another area where we can do so much for the show’s artistic vision.

    • Why would you like to be involved in Intruder / Home?
    • Do you have any experience costume designing? What makes you feel like you’d be a good fit for it?
    • What is one costuming decision made by a play you’ve either been involved with or seen that has stuck with you? Why?

    Welfare of the actors (and prod team) is of the highest possible concern to me as a director . Nevertheless, these plays are unrelentingly dark, and that can make them challenging to work on, especially if people have experienced any of the issues raised in the texts. It will therefore be extremely important to have someone on hand who can take charge of welfare and be approachable by the actors with any concerns.

    • Why would you like to be involved in Intruder / Home?
    • Do you have any experience in welfare officer-ing? What makes you feel like you’d be a good fit for it?
    • Describe a scenario you imagine might happen on this play where you’d need to step in– what do you think you would do?

    Contact before 10th Jul 2024 01:00 for more details.

    Created at 26th Jun 2024 17:58
    Last updated at 2nd Jul 2024 17:05