

Cyrano de BergeracQueens' College Amateur Dramatics Society
19:00, Thu 14th – Sat 16th November 2024 at The Fitzpatrick Hall - MAINSTAGE
Michaelmas Week 5

In Le Bret, we are looking for a character who both fills the stage with energy, and yet is capable of handling gentle, deeply emotive scenes, as he nurtures Cyrano through a whirlwind romance. Le Bret is comic, commanding, kind, and intensely likeable.

    Please send us a self-tape introducing yourself and reading either one or both of following extracts:

    LE BRET: Well – talk about rising to the bait –
    red rag to the bull – you’ve just displayed
    appallingly poor judgement. Why
    did you have to fight like that? That man could die.

    You can’t exist in this self-contained bubble –
    embrace the system – start to engage –
    make alliances – don’t just rage.
    You have no proper insight
    into your actions – pick fight after pointless fight –
    insult people – obstruct them – adopt this pose of pride.


    LE BRET: Come on, Cyrano, spare me the self-pity.
    Girls get that shit – men don’t need to be pretty.
    Plus – like it or not –
    seeing men fight gets women hot –

    you think when you were fighting your … your …
    your poetry duel

    she wasn’t up there watching you?
    Get real. Roxane’s
    a grown-up – she wants a man.

    I’d offer guarantees
    you figure in any number of her sexual fantasies.
    Sure, she’s really really beautiful –
    that doesn’t mean put her on a pedestal.
    Come on, man. Get in there. Attack.

    Contact before 21st Oct 2024 01:00 for more details.

    Created at 16th Oct 2024 21:37
    Last updated at 17th Oct 2024 09:24