

For set-building generally, see Set and ADC workshop.

The Technical Director is responsible for co-ordinating all technical aspects of the production, up to and including running the get-in and get-out for the show. This will include liaising with the theatre to ensure that everything is being planned in accordance with the theatre's rules, and that all necessary paperwork and risk assessments are completed. It is conventional in the ADC for the lighting designer to take responsibility for lighting rather than the TD, but the TD still needs to coordinate with them to avoid conflict.

Initially, the Technical Director will need to work closely with all of the designers to ensure an accurate stage plan that meets everyone's requirements is available for all people to work from. They will also need to check with the Stage Manager and Deputy Stage Manager that nothing unexpected is happening in rehearsals. Any special effects or non-standard use of the stage area will need to be carefully thought through and risk assessed in conjunction with the Stage Managers, Director and relevant cast members. If necessary, a separate Special Effects Designer can be appointed.

The Technical Director should ensure that the set build and paint is happening in good time, a job which might be done by themselves, delegated to a Head Carpenter and/or Scenic Artist, or even done by the Set Designer. Arrangements for transporting the set and any other technical effects to the theatre ready for the get-in also need to be made.

A get-in schedule should be agreed with the various departments (lighting, set, sound) so that everyone knows when they will be able to work on stage during the get-in, and also with stage management (so that cast can be called for technical and dress rehearsals at the correct time). The Technical Director should co-ordinate the get-in itself, and ensure that the get-in does not fall behind schedule.

Finally, after the show has finished, the Technical Director is responsible for co-ordinating the get-out, ensuring that the theatre is returned to its original state and all of the company's property is removed.

Useful resources[edit]

Other pages on this wiki: ADC Stock, SketchUp

CUADC guide to TDing

ADC technical information

Cambridge Technical Theatre Collective Resource

Wiki content is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike Licence.

Technical Director Vacancies

Technical Crew for upcoming Complete Works of Jane Austen show at the ADC Theatre
The Complete Works of Jane Austen (Abridged) – Epilogue Productions
19:45, Thu 17th – Sat 19th July 2025 at ADC Theatre
Summer Vacation

We are looking for the following roles: Technical Director  to oversee all the technical aspects of the production and be in charge of the get-in and get-out Chief Electrician  to ensure all lanterns are set up on stage during the get-in, according to the Lighting Designer ’s plans Stage Manager  Someone with experience to co-ordinate backstage. DSM  to attend the last few rehearsals and give cues on the SM  desk during the show. ASM  in charge of organizing, checking and arranging the props during the run. Lighting Designer  ideally someone with experience of the ADC lighting board that we can work with to create several different scenes and effects using lighting. Lighting Operator this could be the same person as the lighting designer  or could be someone else with experience, or someone who is looking to get more experience. Sound Effects Designer ideally someone with experience who can put together the music and sound effects that we will need throughout the show. Sound Operator this could be the same person as the sound designer , or someone with experience, or someone wanting to get more experience. There are going to be bursts of music for very short scene changes, sound effects during scenes and background music in some parts of the show. Projections/Video Designer someone who is confident with design to produce a variety of backdrops to project for the show onto the white cyclorama, from country houses and living rooms, to dragons (just go with it) and potentially some comedy ‘mock-Regency' style still adverts to display during the interval, the type you used to get at the cinema (and still do at the Picturehouse!). Projection Operator (possibly done as part of lighting operation?) This may be a separate job or one done as part of operating the lighting. Counterweights crew to bring house tabs up and down, and there might be a few items that fly in and out during the show eg chandelier. Get-in and Get-out crew both those with experience and those who want to get more experience to help move the furniture into place and out again, rig lights, house tabs and cyclorama, flats, and help decorate the theatre. You wouldn’t need to be available during the week for this.

Contact Patrick Nielsen before 20th Apr 2025 00:00 for more details.

Tech Roles for Ruddigore Now open!
Ruddigore at Binham PrioryCUGSS
19:00, Wed 17th – Sun 21st September 2025 at Binham Priory, Norfolk
Summer Vacation

We're looking for prominent technical roles (TD , Set designer , CLX , Costume, Stage Managers ) to deliver our Summer Show at Binham Priory this September. Join CUGSS for an exciting in-situ performance in a unique venue. The show will take the very best of what Cambridge Theatre has to offer to Norfolk for a twoish week residential rehearsal and production period working in and with the local community. **Deadline Monday 7th April 23:59**

Contact before 7th Apr 2025 23:59 for more details.